
Zari Blu here! Welcome!

I’ve been a spooky mystery enthusiast, fish aficionado, and spiritual nomad for as long as I can remember. I made this blog as a thought exercise and to recount strange occurrences I've experienced while traveling. If you’d like to know more, please take a look at my first blog post (which I'd link--but I've yet to master links. I'm a rookie at this). And until further notice, note that this is my only social media! I'm typically offline; I'm trying to change that given that I have to keep in touch with people while traveling about (and let them know I'm still alive).


I’ve based these questions off of things Sloan asked me when I recruited him.

Can you even afford to do this, or did you spend everything on your “Mystery Mobile”?

I had a job as a PI for Corporate Security, and I still have savings from said time. However, I abandoned that corrupt, soul-sucking occupation a handful of years ago and have “earned my bread” since through bouts of stringer journalism and a variety show of part-time jobs (best of which was being a movie theater attendant for movie and concession benefits, worst of which was waitressing in a stingy part of town).

Not having to pay formal rent helped me save enough for my van, so I owe quite a bit to the woman who let me live with her like a daughter (and who’s continually supportive, though I haven't told her about this blog for a variety of reasons).

Now, did I spend everything? No. But can I afford to live extravagantly, feasting upon salmon rolls every night and day? Also no, unfortunately. I like to believe I’m quite frugal, so this helps with my current life choices.

So are you homeless?

On the contrary! I feel more at home with my current lifestyle than I ever did back before I left my first home. Home is where the heart is, and I’m a traveler at heart.

That's a longwinded "yes." So you’re a bum with a van, right?

(Rest assured Sloan got an earful for saying as much to me when we first met, but I suspect this is worth addressing.) No, to call me a bum would be to call me unwilling to work. Rather, I’ve worked plenty enough in my life to know what is and isn’t worth working towards anymore. I’m a woman who wants to become a real paranormal investigator with a real and competent crew, and I’ve wanted as much since I was a little girl binging episodes of Booby Blu, What Do We Do?

I want undeniable proof in magic and cryptids and supernatural happenings. If not proof, then I want the truth behind each phenomenon. Even if this is seen as unrealistic, I’ve come to realize something: if we’re all finite flecks of cosmic dust and I’m fortunate enough to have no binding obligations anymore, why not do my best to be the person that I, as a child, always wanted me to be?

Don’t mistake my life decisions to be based on some naiveté. To aptly put it: I want to live before I die.

Bonus NOT based on Sloan’s questions: Why won’t Sloan appear on the blog?

Sloan is a man with an extremely rare medical condition that makes him appear a dark gray color. He told me it’s called “Shaam” disease—and the word “shaam” translates to “evening”, so this makes sense (though I don’t understand why it’s pronounced as “sham” instead, given how he says it). Along with his unusual complexion, Sloan has elven-like ears and sharpened teeth that surely must be attributed to body modifications. He also always wears long sleeves, high-collar turtlenecks, and slacks to cover up tattoos, and seems quite fond of his black Cordovan hat and round-framed shades. I’ve never seen him without either.

Sloan’s quite fashionable, really; I could easily see him modeling on a runway. Alas, while he has given me his consent to share how he looks here, Sloan says it is because of his condition that he is uncomfortable being on camera.

Running on Cross-Dimensional Data brought to you by Malleto Malady at [email protected]. The acknowledgements below should not be subject to any deep-dives for lore, as they are not associated with the creative project on this website.

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